Friday, December 11, 2015

My Introduction to Brain Computer Interface

Generally we use input devices such as mouse, keyboard to give instructions to the computer. In this way, Human Computer Interaction occurs.

We know that, there are some sensors deployed on the devices that provide data to the CPU. Systematically manipulating the sensor data we communicate with the computer.

It is applicable for every machine.

As we know, human body is also a machine like computer. Where CPU is the brain, senses are the input devices and hands and feet are the output devices etc.

To give an input to the computer through the mouse, the brain first analyses the situations like “where the mouse pointer is”, “where to click” etc. by collecting the information from eyes or any other senses. Then it (brain) transmits its instruction to the hand to react. Then hand do its job.

It seems simple.

But in case of doing multiple jobs at a time, like moving the cursor (mouse) and pressing the key on keyboard, just like playing games on PC.

It became a bit difficult, because human brains are not literally meant for multitasking. Brain has to take information about many thing simultaneously like key placement, finger placement etc. to instruct both hands.
At a simple situation, just like playing the game we face such difficulties. Just imagine for the situation like space-shuttle lunching, war commanding centre, and robotic surgery etc., where each step and each millisecond counts. And a small human error can costs a million or a billion or many life.

To minimize the error and the time gap, scientists came with the concept of Brain Computer Interaction (BCI) or Brain Machine Interaction (BMI).

Where the brain directly communicate with the computer to give instructions. Here we don’t have to move our hand or leg, we just need to THINK what we want to do.

Thank you and please leave comment.

Credits : Siba Prasad Pati, Sumeet Roy

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Need of research in HCI

This blog is purely for a layman.
We are humans. And we are social animals. The term social means we like to live in a society that consists of humans or animals.
In a society, every thing depends on each other. For an example in a farming society a rice farmer depends upon the sunflower farmer for oil, a sunflower farmer depends upon dairy farmer for compost. Like this manner every living being in a society depends on each other. This is the fundamental principle of a society. 
But, to form a society the people needs to communicate with each other. Without communication, the society will be called as gathering.
This communication is called interaction.
When two persons interact with each other, they share their feelings.
Let's consider two person Jyoti and Pratyush.
When they meet for first time the only medium of interaction is verbal. Just like hello, hi, what's your name etc.
When they met several times and become friends, new medium of interaction took place i.e. sign language like hand waving, handshake, thumbs up, thumbs down etc.
With the flow of time when they become best buddies, uncountable number of mediums included into their interaction process. And for this reason Pratyush can make Jyoti understand difficult things with lesser effort.
The same thing happens here in HCI research. The scientists study the human psychology, prepare algorithms, coding, sensors, hardware. So that, combinely they can help both human and computer to interact with each other with minimum effort.
The core aim of the HCI research is to reduce the effort of Human and increase the accuracy of the computer while interaction occurs.

Monday, September 14, 2015

My Introduction to Human Computer Interaction

Human Computer Interaction is also referred to as Computer Human Interaction or Man Machine Interaction . Fundamental requirements of HCI is to improve the interactions between human (user) and computers by making computer systems more usable and fulfill the needs of the user. HCI studies a human and a machine jointly, it draws from supporting knowledge on both the machine and the human side. It is concerned with the joint performance of tasks by humans and machines. It improves human capabilities to use computers, algorithms and programming of the interface (user and system) itself. Engineering concerns that arise in designing and building interfaces are the process of specification, design, and implementation of interfaces and design trade-offs. Human-Computer Interaction thus has science, engineering, psychological and design aspects.The means by which humans interact with computers continues to evolve rapidly. A new approach must be put together with other driving forces that are changing and shaping the future so that its concepts are not quickly out of date. It is the need of present to develop interactive interaction technologies for future. Full investigation and knowledge aquisition is aimed in regard to capture, process and using all possible intricacies of all type of signals, speech, images, videos and languages to be handled by computers the way humans do.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Intention behind

The following posts are going to be very specific. Every post will be focused on Human Computer Interaction.
As I have shifted my aims and goals from Merchant Marine to Computer Science Research.
As much as I learn, it will be posted on my blog.
So, thank you very much. Keep motivating me and be motivated. 

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